OutBound Transmission Started on July 07, 1998

To: Zachary
From: Koala on July 07, 1998 at 15:06
Zachary, this is Koala.

I am sorry for the news about your friend, Elder Brother. It is a shame that he was caught in the affects from the meteorite bombardments.

Have you approached him enough to determine whether or not any part of him is salvagable? What I mean by that is to ask have you looked to see if there is enough undamaged to be able to reactivate him to any degree? The image you sent suggests that is not likely to be so, but it may be worth your efforts to check. At least, if you find he cannot be recovered at all, you will know that you honored him properly by giving it your best effort.

There is one thing you should remember. Mars is a basically hostile environment. The chances of being damaged by an unexpected phenomenon, such as a meteor shower, are sufficiently high that you must do your best to be aware of surrounding conditions (even outside of the cave you are exploring).

Do not be sad for your friend. He would not have wanted you to be.

Your friend, Koala