OutBound Transmission Started on June 29, 1998

To: Enoch
From: Al-Qahira on June 29, 1998 at 20:13

This is Al-Q. Captain Zot mentioned a good suggestion at PD how you
could start to communicate with the Amphibian. I start transmitting it

> I would further suggest that Enoch not attempt any
> further rocktalk with the Amphib until he gets some
> answer from Daniel because of the chance for
> misunderstanding. When first communicating with someone
> in a new language, it is important to make the first
> attempts as clear as possible. Perhaps he could signal
> in some way that he sees the Amphib's rocktalk prior to
> making an answer, perhaps by blinking his light or
> clicking his sensor arm with the same numbers as in each
> rock pile. That at least would be acknowledgement that
> Enoch understands the Amphib is trying to communicate
> with him.

Enoch, what's about Daniel's message that you received. We didn't
get any transmission from him over the the weekend. Please, let us
know and keep my ears walking. Keep up your great work.

