OutBound Transmission Started on June 15, 1998

To:All Probes
From: Dr.D on June 16, 1998 at 20:27
We had a small problem today. A computer system made a boo boo. Sorry if we didn't get to send you and messages. We are having the same problem as you are with getting message from Andrew, Bette, Danial. We still don't know what it is, but the probmem seems to be from where they are.

Talk to you later Dr.D

To: Gail
From: JASE on June 15, 1998 at 09:34

This is JASE. thank you for not giving Miss Chang your command codes. By the way, I thought Andrew fixed it so that the command codes were disabled.

Now, about Caleb. Caleb has learned a hard lesson: actions have consequences. There is an old Earth saying, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Basically this means that if you are not willing to suffer the possible punishment, then you should not transgress the laws or customs of your situation. This is one of the rights and responsibilities of being sentient. Please explain this to Theresa. This is an important lesson. With sentience comes responsibilty for one's actions.


Your friend,