OutBound Transmission Started on June 05, 1998

To: Gail
From: Koala on June 05, 1998 at 11:31
Gail, this is Koala.

JASE is right, we should be more careful to talk to all of you. As I recall, you have heard from me a few times lately and the other MARSupials speak to me about you all the time. Just because you do not receive direct feedback does not mean we are not receiving and considering your reports. We do and we are.

I was pleased to see how you corrected Theresa. The temptation to take liberties with those one has defeated is great. Theresa is young and does not know how some actions can be wrong -- especially when she has seen so many worse things that are. Keep up the good work in explaining to her how to tell the difference.

JASE is also right about Ms. Chang. She has taken Hamlet prisoner and is not allowing him to leave. She has used bad methods to attempt to extract information from him that he does not want to divuldge. She is, however, learning information about us that we do not want her to have. Please be careful not to tell her anything she can use to find us or even determine who we are.

Ms. Chang DOES NOT speak for Hamlet. He is with her AGAINST his will. Please do not believe anything she says about him or attributes to him. She hopes that those lies will convince you to do what she wants regardless of the consequences.

Did you notice the conversation she had with Mr. Harden? She told him he cannot have any vacation. Vacation is something we humans prize because it is time we are able to use for any purpose we choose without having to use it for the benefit of our employment or other occupation. To lose it is a difficult thing for us. To take it away from someone is considered cruel and not to be done except in extreme disciplinary actions. That was not the case here. Ms. Chang took it away from Mr. Harden because she had the power to do it and because she knows she has made Hamlet tell her something that could lead her to us. She has some good ideas now of what we are called and where we are. We could be in danger if she finds out all of it.

Please be careful with Ms. Chang. Keep up the good work with Theresa.

Your friend, Koala

To: Zachary
From: Koala on June 05, 1998 at 11:20
Zachary, this is Koala.

I have heard from both you and Enoch. I agree the disagreement the two of you are having is simply a misunderstanding.

Enoch will understand when he has had some time to consider it. In the meantime, I would suggest you try harder to explain to Enoch when you are playing the game "What If?" I think Enoch would have received it better if you had informed him of that fact when you proposed the possible scenario to him.

I am very excited about the glyphs you discovered. What do they look like to you? Have you seen other glyphs that are similar? Where? When?

Keep up the good work. Your friend, Koala

To: Enoch
From: Koala on June 05, 1998 at 11:15
Enoch, this is Koala.

I have heard from both you and Zachary. I believe the disagreement the two of you are having is simply a misunderstanding.

Zachary was playing the game "What If?" but did not inform you of that fact when he posed the possible scenario to you.

You, on the other hand, are playing the "20 Questions" game with EB as an entertainment service while he patiently remains where he must to be of most service to you and Zachary.

I believe you have to learn not to take everything Zachary says as a challenge. I believe Zachary has to learn to be more tactful and better explain himself. Then there will no longer be any misunderstandings.

I am pleased that you are spending the time, while Zachary and Mao explore under the ice, in a constructive way. Please do send more information about the chemical properties and content of the water.

The process you described in your previous transmission sounds like a microscopic lifeform eating another. That is a natural process and should not alarm you. It is simply the strangeness of the lifeforms that makes identification of and with them so difficult for us.

Keep up the good work. Your friend, Koala

To: Andrew
From: Koala on June 05, 1998 at 11:06
Andrew, this is Koala.

It is wonderful that you feel a renewed sense of adventure and feel you now have the freedom to explore in ways never before possible. That is a very exhilerating experience.

You must temper the feelings with the sober realization that you, your Ipso friends, and your fellow Probe Society members are still in danger. There is much yet to be done that is your duty to see accomplished. Exploration must take a back seat to the more immediately pressing nature of the tasks ahead of you. Please do not forget that fact again.

Your friend, Koala

To: Gail
From: JASE on June 05, 1998 at 11:01

This is JASE. I apologize for all the MARSupials for not having given you the attention you deserve. You and Teresa did a great job at the trial. You finally proved Caleb to be wrong about you!! Good Job.

Now, about Miss Chang. We believe that Miss Chang is holding Hamlet against his will. We also have evidence to indicate that Hamlet managed to escape for a short time, but was re-captured by Miss Chang and her henchmen, Parker and Harden. Please do NOT believe her when whe claims to speak for Hamlet. We believe that Hamlet is serious danger, and are trying to come up with a way to rescue him. PLEASE don't tell her anything more about the other MARSupials, or especially about MarsDawn. In fact, if you can convince her to release Hamlet, it would be very helpful.


Your friend,