OutBound Transmission Started on May 05, 1998

To:All Probes
From: Koala on May 05, 1998 at 15:49
Hello Probes, this is Koala.

I am very pressed for time and cannot send my customary individual messages. Please forgive my haste. I did want you to know that I am here and eagerly following the events unfold as you describe them.

To those of you in the Ipso space craft:

While the battle in space IS fierce and terrifying, please do not forget that the Ipsolstai are doing better than the Amphibians. The ratio was 6:2 and is now 4:2 due to the destruction of two Amphibian ships. Those are far better odds and bode well for the skill and tactics of the Ipsos. I know it is all quite frightening and you do not know what to do. Keep up the good work of observing and reporting (as you have been doing so well). Please be careful not to get in the way of the Ipsos as the move quickly to perform their duties. Commander Perry has led well and will continue to do so as long as he has a ship with which to fight. Support him as you can, even if that support is staying on the sidelines and watching. Your powers of observation may be quite useful to him. Serve your interests by serving him and his ship in any constructive way you can.

To those of you on Mars:

Caleb has been exposed for the coward and fiend he is. His having murdered Burn has turned all other Ipsos against him. He is hunted by the Amphibians and his own kind. He has no place to call home any more. He has lost his honor and with it, all else.

There is still much to learn and explore. New searches for "What's Next" abound. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn the answer to that question but take care not to place yourselves in undue danger.

Gail has earned a well deserved thank you from the Ipso Commander. He recognized how little you Probes know of the needs of the Ipso eggs and was pleased with how well cared for they were despite that obvious and understandable ignorance. He was genuinely pleased and thankful for their safekeeping and return. You have all done very well and should be proud of yourselves.

To all of you:

The time is coming soon when The One will present itself. Whatever Daniel did appears to have given The One total access to the Ipso computers onboard the space craft. I hope that The One's attempts to learn to communicate do not interfere with the operation of the ship at a critical time, but I have a hunch (an hypothesis unsupported by fact) that The One will be able to end the hostilities in a manner favorable to you and the Ipsos when it does emerge into our Universe.

Good luck to all of you. My positive thoughts are with you always. Your friend, Koala.