OutBound Transmission Started on April 09, 1998

To:All Probes
From: Bryce on April 09, 1998 at 20:45
HI everybody. Sorry I've been gone so long. Iwas away in the Earth city of Vancouver on business and out of communication range of Mars. How are you all? I missed you guys. A lot has happened up there in the five days I was away. YOu know, all things considered, you guys lead pretty darn exciting lives.

Hi Andrew, Bette and Isaac. Congrats on escaping the Ipsos. Hey, if you get a chance, could you ask the grand poobah, Lord of the Universe, Master of all he surveys, big cheese,
Fat cat, studlord, babe-magnet-for-life, wonder dude up there whether the Ipsos have different factions or tribes and whether or not they are fighting amongst themselves - only ask him nicely as I would hate to see my basic distrust of authority figures and my extreme annoyance with tin pot dictators of interaglactic banana republics get you guys into trouble. After all, he seems to be on your side and it's nice to have friends.

Hi Enoch and Zachary. You guys are getting to be a lean, mean, fighting machine.

Good for you, Enoch, standing up to EB and remaining your own person. YOu've struck a blow for individuality everywhere (well, at least on Mars) and I am inspired by your gusto! Fly high and breath in the stars.

If you have to fight, Zachary, hit em hard and make it hurt.
A famous Earth General named Alexander was brutal to those who fought him but kind to those who surrendered and fair to those he conquered. I see those qualities in you. Good Luck

HI Gail and Theresa. It's good to talk to you again. Burn seems very close to the Ipso he's arguing with doesn't he?

Kudos to all


To: Daniel
From: Orpheus on April 09, 1998 at 10:41
Enoch, this is Orpheus. I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to talk for a while, but I've been busy with school. Don't get too cocky as a pilot quite yet. I agree you are a hotshot pilot, but you're not an ace until you get 7 confirmed kills. Be careful, my friend, and watch your 6.

Be cool, Orpheus