OutBound Transmission Started on March 20, 1998

To: Gail
From: Hamlet on March 22, 1998 at 09:31
Hi Gail,
Do not worry, I am in fact quite human, and not a spy. Would you please tell Ms. Chang that I really enjoyed her warm
welcome and the nice message she sent me, and that I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond? Would you also please tell her I am sorry I missed her associate on his Czech visit, and will have to try to catch him the next time he's around? I hope he found the Czech hospitality warm and welcoming, and the countryside beautiful. Maybe next time I can meet with him for crumpets and tea. Does Ms. Chang know how much sugar he takes?

As for the comments Ms. Chng made about my name, it is quite understandable that she was confused. Hamlet is indeed a
Danish name, which means it comes from the country of Denmark. And Osric is a French name, so she had good reason to wonder why I should use both names, especially in a country where both names would be odd. But Europe is a small place, and I like to travel a lot. I also use Osric on my electronic address to honor the diplomat from the play for which I was named.

Also please tell Ms. Chang that as much as I would love to have her visit me, I am almost never home. Perhaps she could tell me where she is, and I could try to visit her. Thank you.

Your friend,

To: Bette
From: Kurk on March 21, 1998 at 15:25
I think that you should analize the "tree" ie. taste smell chemical (if you can) That would be nice.
Thanks, your friend Kurk.
To:All Probes
From: Bryce on March 21, 1998 at 11:19
Good job Andrew! You, my little friend, are free. Throwing caution to the wind, I would advise you to go with it and start exploring. If the atmosphere there is not ammonia or
full of sulphides or some other horrible glop I would say taste the wind, smell the grass, and set your sails for the
horizon. Of course, you may want to check with other Marsupials for their input as well as I tend to go with the
first thing that comes to mind and don't always think things through. Also, watch out for Ipsos with attitude!

My heartfelt and sincere apologies to all Michael Bolton fans out there. Further apologies will be fothcoming as required.

HI THERESA, Greetings from Earth. Do your treads suffer from wear after so many miles traveling on a hard rocky surface?
If I go hiking on Earth my feet get tired and sore and I only have two of them. I can't imagine having six sore feet. Say hi to Gail for me ok.

Hi Zachary, Sounds like the factory is a mess. Is anything salvageable?

All Probes have a great weekend

To: Bette
From: Professor K on March 20, 1998 at 17:59
Hi Bette. The thing you saw the Ipsolstai carry in is called a plant. It is a living creature, however it is unable to communicate, so don't try. Plants are what produces oxygen into the atmosphere. The are also very beautiful to look at. Hope that helps. Best of luck to you.

Professor Alan J. Kiyotie

To: Gail
From: Professor K on March 20, 1998 at 17:53
Well, Gail, I have talked to Hamlet, and I know he is not a computer or a spy. He told me. I believe him. Your just going to have to trust me.
I wouldn't worry about Burn. Not yet anyway. Best of luck to you.

Professor Alan J. Kiyotie