OutBound Transmission Started on March 12, 1998

To: Andrew
From: Orpheus on March 13, 1998 at 07:37
Andrew, I think this is a test of how you respond to unsual stimulation, such as the idea that the architecture is changing. Just keep trying to get back. I had another idea about what is meant by "the middle is the way." Take the elevator that has 2 on either side, it's worth a shot. Look for signs of the building changing, maybe you'll see something about how they do it.

Be cool,

To: Zachary
From: Thixel on March 12, 1998 at 15:28
Hi Zachary,
Ill kind of means a malfunction. It comes from viruses and other organisms that get inside the human's body that harm the person. It can be cured by taking certain medicine.

I am actually quite well now and can help you again.
thank you for your concern.

Maybe The Ipsosltai have a weapon that will help defeat the amphibians.....


To: Zachary
From: Bryce on March 12, 1998 at 11:54
HI Zach,

Your plan sounds excellent. Wishing you a speedy and safe journey.
