OutBound Transmission Started on February 18, 1998

To: Gail
From: JASE on February 19, 1998 at 06:41

This is JASE. Please hang in there, Zachary and Enoch are coming as fast as they can. They will rescue you!!! In the mean time, I would like you to consider the last transmission you posted from Miss Chang. She said "We hold you personally responsible for the loss of Dilyn Carter, just when she was on the verge of telling us about her so-called secret organization." This means she knows what happened to Dilyn, and works with the people who did it to her. Will you PLEASE be careful what information you provide to her, because that information will most probably fall into the hands of some VERY bad people. These are most likely the same people responsible for the DEATH of Jose.


Your friend,


To: Andrew
From: JASE on February 19, 1998 at 06:36

This is JASE. If you are alright, please send us a transmission, even if it is just a short one, so that we will know that you are alright.


Your friend,