OutBound Transmission Started on February 09, 1998

To: Enoch
From: Thixel on February 09, 1998 at 16:01
Elder Brother said he has no way to tell the c-probes to stop attacking since you blew up the antannes. he said they don't have the equipment to re-build them either.

I'm not sure if you should contact Zach or not. i'm going to ask the others if it is a good idea. I think Zachary would like to talk to you again.


To: Zachary
From: Thixel on February 09, 1998 at 15:55
Hi Zachary,
no, im not chineese, The =+ That i put underneath thixel is just my mark. i like to say that it is the mark of Thixel. it is just fun to put there. I'm going to change it, becuase it confuses people.
how about:


i like that better.

i think it is good that Elder Brother is becoming a freind.

Enoch asked me if she should try to contact you you or maintain radio silence so they wont know her position.
i will talk to the rest of the group to see if it's a good idea. I think it would be good for you to have contact with her again.


To: Gail
From: Orpheus on February 09, 1998 at 07:38
Gail, this is Orpheus. Wolf-359 is light-years away, and I'm personally not sure about how we are recieving transmissions from the probes there, unless it involves the Groove. Don't mention us to Mrs. Chang. If she learns our names, even our online ones, she might be able to track us. Possibly mention Dr. D, but check with him first.

You did a really good job packing up the drones with the stuff you are carrying with you. I know I wouldn't be able to pack that so well.

Be cool,