OutBound Transmission Started on January 22, 1998

To:All Probes
From: Koala on January 22, 1998 at 15:56
Probes, this is Space Turtel (Koala).

A great deal has gone on in a very short period of time.

Andrew, you and Daniel are probably traversing The Groove. The vibrations are probably caused by the turbulence of the worm-hole effect. Remain calm as Daniel is doing. You should be fine then.

Bette has experienced The ONE and seems to be as much in awe of it as Daniel, although she has the advantage of being able to be more articulate.

Bette, I think you are right to counsel Isaac not to attempt to open the container. It seems you have traveled through two stages of The Groove and may go even farther. If that is the case, the container may be your only protection against adverse effects that exposure to the worm-hole could cause. Remain calm and remind Isaac he is not alone and does not need to be afraid.

Both Andrew and Bette have observed differing conditions with regard to transmissions. Those intended to remain within the container echo, but those intended for us do not. Are you using different frequencies when you transmit to us versus when you talk to each other? Perhaps only certain frequencies are permitted to be transmitted. Have you tried using the ULF system? Perhaps you can modulate vibrations in the container sufficiently to talk. It is worth a try, but be careful to monitor your condition. If it appears the container is adversely affected, stop at once.

Enoch, please be patient as we determine Zachary's success. His idea has a lot of promise if he can approach cover near the factory without being detected. Stay under cover and try not to allow yourself to be seen. Zachary may need to signal to you, so be certain to watch for him at all times. He may suggest you use his method of approach. It certainly is a novel idea to use the enemy as a shield from itself. It has what we call "poetic justice."

Zachary, please be careful. Signal Enoch when you can so that he will know you are OK. You have taken a big risk without informing your partner of your intentions. That is not a good idea and I encourage you to communicate more with Enoch before rushing ahead again. With that said, I will now tell you I think your idea was a good one. As I told Enoch, it has a level of "poetic justice" to it. Let us all hope you will remain safe. If, for ANY reason, you are seen or endangered please be extra careful not to give away the fact that you are not alone. That may be the only thing that saves Enoch's life in such an emergency.

Gail, good luck in your return to the fortress. Your last transmission suggested you were almost there. I am concerned that we have not heard from you and trust you are maintaining silence to avoid detection. My thoughts are with you as I hold out hope of your safe return.

Daniel, I believe I understand what you are trying to tell us. What we have been calling the C-probes is actually an attack force of the Delemreck. I believe you are also saying there are more enemies on their way. Will they be more Delemreck or a different race altogether? Are you telling Gail and Theresa to protect the Ipsolstai? That is interesting consider the Ipsos have weapons the Probes do not. Still, it may be possible for them to hide some Ipsos and thus provide protection. We will have to determine what can be done as we gather more information.

Good luck to all you my friends. The adventure is really getting underway. Be careful; be brave; be safe.

Your friend, Space Turtel.

To: Daniel
From: Bryce on January 22, 1998 at 13:42
Hi Daniel,

This is Bryce. Can you describe the One to me. You seem calm and unconcerned. Is this because the One is a positive force
and something to be embraced rather than feared? Who are the
beings who are coming? They sound menacing. Are you afraid of them? What is the nature of the device on your CPU?

Nosy aren't I? Tread carefully.


To: Andrew
From: Bryce on January 22, 1998 at 13:36
Hi Andrew, this is Bryce. Try to stay calm as you may be about to go for a ride in a wormhole. Bette and Isaac have done this alreay and so far they are ok.

Space turtel may be using name Koala now as per your question of a last week. Jase is in contact. Try asking other probes.

I'm trying to get a handle on who the One is and what life forms are "coming soon". Any ideas?

Good luck my friend. Tread carefully.


To: Bette
From: Bryce on January 22, 1998 at 13:24
Hi Bette , this is Bryce. You must be terrified but try to keep calm as panicking will only make things worse. By your
description, the One sounds like a supreme being; is this accurate? If you have time, can you give a description of the beings that are coming soon and how much of a threat they pose. Thanks

