OutBound Transmission Started on December 09, 1997

To: Zachary
From: Dr.D on December 09, 1997 at 16:16

We will keep "Stage One" quiet while the C-probe is close by. After your transmission how long before the C-lander will there?


To: Andrew
From: JASE on December 09, 1997 at 13:35

This is JASE. How is that backup plan coming? When are you and Zachary going to implement your trap? I had a thought about the depth of the pit. Is it deep enough to keep the C-Probe from firing a rocket out of the pit? If not, or if you aren't sure, use EXTREME caution when moving near the pit. I would hate for either of you to be injured on accident. Good luck!!


Your friend,


To: Zachary
From: GrandZero on December 09, 1997 at 12:58
Hello, Zachary. It is GrandZero.
The pinging that Al-Q has been detecting is a little confusing. It is difficult for us to locate the exact source. That is why I asked you to be certain that
there was only one C-probe. I wouldn't want you to trap it only to have it send out a distress signal to its twin. I think there is probably only one, but I
wanted to be sure we had all possibilities covered.

Please, please, be extra cautious.

Your friend...GrandZero

To: Andrew
From: GrandZero on December 09, 1997 at 12:56
Hello, Andrew. It is GrandZero.
The pinging that Al-Q has been detecting is a little confusing. It is difficult for us to locate the exact source. That is why I asked you to be certain that there was only one C-probe. I wouldn't want you to trap it only to have it send out a distress signal to its twin. I think there is probably only one, but I wanted to be sure we had all possibilities covered.

Please, please, be extra cautious.

Your friend...GrandZero

To: Enoch
From: GrandZero on December 09, 1997 at 12:05
Hello, Enoch. It is GrandZero.
The last message you relayed to us from Hardon and Parker stopped with them mentioning some kind of deal for Probes. Can you please provide the rest of that message? We may still need to deal somehow with Hardon and Parker in order to achieve the safe return of Dilyn.

Thank you for your help.

Your friend...GrandZero