OutBound Transmission Started on October 27, 1997

To: Bette
From: Dr.D on October 28, 1997 at 06:51
Thanks for the information on the rock.
Talk to you later..


To: Bette
From: JASE on October 28, 1997 at 05:35

This is JASE. Would you please compare the rock that Isaac found to the carbon substance that you and Enoch found in the filter in Jose's cave? I think that we may find that they are the same material.


Your friend,


To: Andrew
From: Koala on October 27, 1997 at 15:23
Andrew, this is Space Turtel.

Thank you for answering JASE's request for your priority list. I have a question about it. Why is Gail's safe return a primary task, but Daniel's a secondary? Are they not both Probes? Have you forgotten that Daniel engineered the attack upon the EU-probes that caused you to become free?

The point is moot now. Both Gail and Daniel have arrived in fortress and are safe. Both tasks may be removed from your lists now, but I would still like to understand your reasoning for setting the priorities as you did.

Now that all the Probes are together and Burn has returned to talk to you, things should get really exciting. Please report to us again as soon as possible.

Your friend, Space Turtel.
JASE, my priority task queue has the following items:

.....Evade EU probes
.....Gail safe return
.....Maintain integrity of Fortress/Expand/Modify

....Surprise for Parker and Hardon
....Daniel safe return
....Instruct Isaac how to change his Codes

....Establish data base for Ipsolstai Culture and Science
....Learn to drive Tram