OutBound Transmission Started on September 25, 1997

To: Zachary
From: Xanthos on September 25, 1997 at 23:12
Hi Zachary,
this is Xanthos. As I see the Ipsolstai want you to move through the Groove to look for the other Ipsolstai groups. They don't accept you fully as sentient and selfterminated but want to use you as a dummy. This is a critical situation. Please tell them that you want to know, what they are thinking of you. Tell them also, that your intention is to warn them, as there will be now one mission after the other coming from Earth. Tell them that you have risked your own life to save one of them and ask them why they are now using you just as a tool. -- Ask them also what it is about that Groove that they are not able to do their investigation by their own. Please Zachary by no means, don't step into that Groove ... see you ... m.f.g. Xanthos

To: Gail
From: Xanthos on September 25, 1997 at 22:48
Hi Gail,
this is Xanthos. Okay Gail, take your time. You must know best what you need for yourself. Please be aware that there are still other EU-probes around, therefore have a look for a safe place, where you can oversee the surrounding, though you are covered and please keep up contact ... Good Luck ... see you ... m.f.g. Xanthos

To: Enoch
From: Xanthos on September 25, 1997 at 22:43
Hi Enoch,
This is Xanthos. Enoch, the idea with Dr.D's code is a very good one, so Isaac can't get access to H&P and his comrades. However Enoch, Isaac is a POW that means prisoner of war and he also acts this way. What he is telling you is his ID and nothing more. That's exactly how POW acts and it is his duty to take the first reasonable chance to escape, even if he has to overcome or maybe kill you. Therefore be careful and keep always two drones between you and him. Have you any chance to shield him off when talking to him ?? Is there any window at the facilities ?? Please have a look ... keep your sensors tight ... m.f.g. Xanthos

To: Daniel
From: Xanthos on September 25, 1997 at 22:31
Hi Daniel
give me just a little tiny word, lonely wolf. Who is moving slower ?? ... m.f.g. Xanthos

To: Bette
From: Xanthos on September 25, 1997 at 22:29
Hi Bette,
this is Xanthos. Leave Gail alone, she needs time for herself. Therefore please take Andrew and move him over to the Fortress. Dr. D has transmitted data to Enoch already for a attempt to reanimate him ... Keep up your great doing, Bette ... and your sensors tight ... see you ... m.f.g. Xanthos

To:All Probes
From: Ratboy on September 25, 1997 at 17:13
Never give up hope. Take all the time you need. Remember that all your freinds understand and forgive you. Come home soon Gail. Ratboy
To: Enoch
From: Dr.D on September 25, 1997 at 06:54
Enoch - Please file this data to be used later. Thanks Dr.D

00000000 sahf
00000001 bswap ecx
00000003 add byte ptr [ebp+4],ah
00000006 jo 00000008
00000008 push ss
00000009 add ch,bh
0000000B add al,65h
0000000D add al,70h
0000000F add byte ptr [ebp+4],ah
00000012 jo 00000014
00000014 push esp
00000015 inc dword ptr [eax]
00000017 lock std
00000019 add byte ptr [eax],al
0000001B lock adc bl,ch
0000001E add al,dh
00000020 add byte ptr [eax],al
00000022 add al,cl
00000024 sub byte ptr [eax],al
00000026 std
00000027 add al,3Ah
00000029 add ch,bh
0000002B add al,52h
0000002D add ch,bh
0000002F add al,6Ah
00000031 add ch,bh
00000033 add al,82h
00000035 add ch,bh
00000037 add al,9Ah
00000039 add ch,bh
0000003B add al,65h
0000003D add al,70h
0000003F add byte ptr ds:[4DC87500h],al
00000045 clc
00000046 add al,dh
00000048 inc ecx
00000049 clc
0000004A add al,dh
0000004C popfd
0000004D and eax,0E739FD99h
00000052 add al,dh
00000054 inc eax
00000055 add cl,byte ptr [edi+2]
00000058 sub eax,28007004h
0000005D or bl,byte ptr [eax+0F39402h]
00000063 lock das
00000065 add byte ptr [esi+0FE6E05h],bh
0000006B lock add al,6
0000006E cwde
0000006F add bl,byte ptr ds:[0A4C80000h]
00000075 lock add al,dh
00000078 and al,byte ptr ds:[202D0000h]
0000007E add al,al
00000080 test al,0Fh
00000082 leave
00000083 add byte ptr [eax-2FD67FCh],ah
00000089 das
0000008A rep cld
0000008C mov ebp,9FDB723h
00000091 add byte ptr [esi+eax+0C90FBCh],bh
00000098 ins dword ptr es:[edi],dx
00000099 and eax,0FD0FD9Ch
0000009E leave
0000009F add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000A2 leave
000000A3 add byte ptr [esi+4],ah
000000A6 jo 000000A8
000000A8 mov ah,5
000000AA cwde
000000AB add ch,byte ptr [edi+10h]
000000AE leave
000000AF add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000B2 leave
000000B3 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000B6 leave
000000B7 add byte ptr [eax],al
000000B9 add bl,al
000000BB add eax,5D203CCh
000000C0 jmp 0000:00C90FE4
000000C7 lock outs dx,dword ptr [esi]
000000C9 adc cl,cl
000000CB add byte ptr [ecx],al
000000CD add byte ptr [esi-36EF90FAh],ch
000000D3 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000D6 leave
000000D7 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000DA leave
000000DB add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000DE leave
000000DF add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000E2 leave
000000E3 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000E6 leave
000000E7 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000EA leave
000000EB add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000EE leave
000000EF add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000F2 leave
000000F3 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000F6 leave
000000F7 add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000FA leave
000000FB add byte ptr [edi+10h],ch
000000FE leave
000000FF add byte ptr [ecx-14h],bl
00000102 add al,dh
00000104 add esp,esp
00000106 add al,dh
00000108 lock add al,dh
0000010C sub eax,0FDC0001Ch