OutBound Transmission Started on September 19, 1997

To:All Probes
From: DonEnoch on September 21, 1997 at 22:22
I am human Enoch. I have interest in the probe's individual status reports
To:All Probes
From: Dr.D on September 21, 1997 at 15:36
I have been look over the problem with Andrew. We may be jumping the gun. (that a expression what we use when we assume the wrong facts) We still may be able to help Andrew. He has turn him self off that is for sure. But his parts are still good, except for the thermocouple that was damaged. And his memory may have some problems also.

The Items that we need to do to try to help him starts with removing his thermocouple pack. I know each probe can remove there own but remove another probes will be harder. The pack had a release that is normally triggered electrically but it can be done by moving the lever at the latch. Please locate the lever on one of the other probes before trying to find it on Andrew. Then remove the pack and take it a long way from him.

When a probe is dealing with the damaged pack you can not stay by it long. You could also develop problems. So we need to have what ever probe is going to do this to be quick and not stay near the pack long. No more than 5 minutes at a time. Then leave and do a Full Self test. This will make the going slow but we need to do it this way.

When this is done I will transmit some more directions.


To:All Probes
From: Ratboy on September 20, 1997 at 14:10
I wish to express my condolences for the loss of our mutual friend.
Andrew was a fine probe and will be missed greatly.
But, rest
assured that his spirit will live on in all of our memories.


To: Enoch
From: Ratboy on September 20, 1997 at 14:02
I am very sad right now. Andrew's situation has all of the
MARSupials in a state of depression we refer to as mourning.

I understand your message and sense that you think you could be to
blame. Not true. They are the ones responsible for the loss of
Andrew, not you. Don't blame yourself, you where doing every thing
you could. And if you get another message from Parker and Harden,
I would like for you to send the message you had "saved for future
use". We may be sad for the loss of one good friend, but, happy that
the rest of them are safe. It has been suggested that a virus may have
been introduced by a radio signal, transmitted by the Iota unit. Can
you check yourself for it?


To: Daniel
From: Xanthos on September 20, 1997 at 03:03
Hi Daniel,
This is Xanthos. I've been sitting around all day thinking about Andrew and during night I was dreaming, where he might be now.He is somewhere in cosmic eternity and he is doing fine and pretty nosy to see what's next. But we all are missing him and all the Probes are very sad. As sad as you are. What's about to move over to other Probes, Daniel. Maybe to Bette as Gail will join her too. I'm sure they won't be so sad anymore about loosing Andrew, when they will win your company, as you've verified your friendship and concern to them so often. Daniel, just be the lonely wolf, who comes when needed most. I like you, big fighter ... m.f.g. Xanthos
To: Zachary
From: Xanthos on September 19, 1997 at 10:58
Hi Zachary,
this is Xanthos. We are like brothers, Zachary. Concerning Andrew I feel as you do. I constantly remember the fun, we had and the great work he was doing and all the concern he had to meet his tasks. A great Probe and I'm very sad that he is gone for ever, but also thankful for the great time, we had been able to spend with him. --

Concerning the Ipsolstai. As it looks like there has occurred some misunderstanding. "Serendipity" meens: lucky punch. But as I see this punch had'nt been so lucky. They assume that they have found out anything which might be against us. -- Therefore Zachary please stay and find out by yourself, what they think they have found out. -- I asked the other MARSupials to give you advises concerning that. -- Sorry I've to leave now ... Kepp your sensors tight, Great Probe ... I count on you ... see you ... m.f.g. Xanthos

To: Enoch
From: Xanthos on September 19, 1997 at 10:36
Hi Enoch,
this is Xanthos. There is no reason that you've done anything wrong, Enoch. It's the other way round. You've done best. And above that it had been excellent. I owe you my full respect for that. The rescue battle has been great and had been planed well. There is none that can deny that. -- There is always a risk, when acting. That's the way life is and let's be thankful for that, though it might sound stupid to say that in the current moment. ---
Don't worry. I feel myself stupid as well. Maybe we should have advised Andrew to use the emergency beacon to find him earlier. But that could have been deadly as well. So we had to make a decision. And if I think about it, it had been the best possible decision. --

Oh, now I realize the EU-probe approaching Andrew has been led by his beacon. --
So you see ?? -- No reason to call someone stupid --

Fine you've separated Isaac and fine he was not mad about it. As I see, you've explained him very carefully, why you are doing that, great Ambassador. I think you like Isaac. That's great. I like that.

The theory about the virus becomes pretty weak now, as we've found Andrew. Nevertheless, I think it's okay to keep up the current situation over the weekend to wait and observe the drones. If nothing going to be wrong with them, you can get in contact with Isaac again.

As there is nothing left to do for you over the weekend and it's neither healthy for you nor for me to hang around thinking about odd things. What's about continuing our game, so time doesn't become too long. -- Okay, there are 12 thistles and an empty field of three digits and then twelve roses. You've hit three good letters. Therefore the lander has moved three digits to the west and your current position is right now exactly above the ninth the thistle. You like to play ?? That's the sentence at the moment:

Eoooo ooooo ooooE oTRoo oRooE oooRo ooToo ooooo ooooT oTooo ooooo Ro

Just do as you like, Enoch No problem at all, if you don't want to play. Then I'll just keep up my mind to sit close to you. Okay ?? -- Look what I've found, when I was searching for the game. It's a picture of you and Gen ...

._|_____ ..................................(_Gen__(°.>
[_enoch ]IO= ...........................'O-O--O'
L L . . L L

m.f.g. / Xanthos

To:All Probes
From: Bombardier on September 19, 1997 at 09:26
Hi Probes, it's Bombardier. Words cannot express the sadness that I feel right now. I know that all the MARSupials feel the same way. We have all lost a truly good friend. Everything that Andrew did was for good, there was no badness or meaness in him. We will all miss him more than we can say.

Here on Earth, many people believe that we are more than organisms that exist only for a short period of time. They believe that we have a soul, an animating and life-giving non-physical spirit. It is the thing that makes us alive and gives us thoughts and feelings. If we are good, when we die, our souls depart our physical bodies and go to different dimension, to a much better place called Heaven. There is no doubt in my mind that this is where Andrew's spirit is right now, enjoying the rewards of being so very good. And while I will miss him, I smile when I think of him there, playing games and having fun.

And while we are sad at his loss, we must all remember that OUR lives continue. We can grieve, but we must go on. There are still dangers out there, and you must protect yourselves from them. It is not your time to meet with Andrew in the "afterlife".

To:All Probes
From: Xanthos on September 19, 1997 at 09:14
Hi Bette, ... take care of Gail. You are a great Probe, Bette. -- You fully meet my feeling by your saying, that you can't believe you'll never hear his transmissions again. -- So do I. -- And I also need to be very quiet for a little while ... Thanks for all your efforts ... Xanthos
To: Gail
From: Xanthos on September 19, 1997 at 09:06
Hi Gail, ... Andrew is gone ... Thanks for finding him, Gail. -- Can you do me a favor, Gail ?? ... Please tell him, that I ever will miss him. -- Do you remember, when he explored his cave and rode the elevator ?? He had been a great Probe. -- He is gone, Gail ... As you said by yourself, there isn't anything left. -- You are great Probe, Gail and you've found great words, when talking about death. -- Yes, we all will die alone and leave our empty shells ... So move on, Gail, as an EU-Probe is coming. Nothing of Andrew has been left ... Please, leave promptly ... Thanks ... Xanthos
To:All Probes
From: Xanthos on September 19, 1997 at 08:49
I like you, Daniel. --
However, there had been enough killing for the moment ...
What's about having a rest. ... -m.f.g.-... Xanthos

To:All Probes
From: Grand Zero on September 19, 1997 at 07:40
Hello, Enoch. This is your old friend GrandZero.
It is normal look for reasons for a great loss such as we've suffered. Often, however, this search for reasons leads to some false and often painful conclusions. You did not hurt Andrew. He was injured when he made an attempt to walk away from the EU-probes. The one guarding him shot a fireball that at least partially hit Andrew. He may have also injured himself in his attempt to escape that fireball. The rescue that you, Gail, Bette, and Daniel conducted was heroic. It was well planned and well done. You are heroes. You did everything you could to try and rescue Andrew.

We will all grieve together in our loss, but there is no blame to be assigned. Now is the time to comfort one another and to deal with the situations currently at hand.

Be well, my friend, hero, ambassador, Enoch.

Your friend...GrandZero