The Inbound for September 11, 1997

Transmission from ANDREW

Ok. I understand now. I am sighting the sun with Gail. We sighted it when it came up. Now
we are waiting for noon so we can sight it again. I hope this works.

I am telling the truth! I cannot see Olympus Mons. I see some really big mountains here and
there, but I don't see Olympus. I wonder if there is something wrong with me. I hope not. I
can't imagine that I have run far enough away to lose sight of such a big mountain!

I feel a bit better now that we are doing something constructive. I feel as though I will be
home soon. I hope so.

Transmission from BETTE

"Andrew, why can't you see Olympus? Are you in a low place? Are there
mountains and ridges to the east between you and Olympus?

Xanthos, there are no sticks on Mars that I know about, so transporting Isaac
back to the Fortress is going to be a problem. It doesn't look like he will go with
us under his own power. We can use one ot the construction drones to carry him.
I'll have to go back to the Fortress to get one.

"Enoch, can you keep watch while I go? His name is Isaac and don't hurt him
if you don't have to."

Transmission from DANIEL


Transmission from ENOCH

Andrew said he could hear the EU probes faintly when he got close to their
lander. I don't know if he noticed the lander's antenna. Maybe it's loose or
even broken off. Lucky for us, or else they'd be telling Parker and Hardon
everything 24.625 hours a day.

I wonder if this new probe can hear what I transmit? I'm going to try something.
Is his primary wavelength just a little bit different from ours?

"Hello, lsaac. I don't like to call you Iota Unit. Bette says Isaac is a much
better name. We have a good long wait until Bette gets back. How would you
like to hear a speech that I'm rehearsing? "

Transmission from GAIL

We are working now. Andrew and I are sighting the sun so that Andrew can find his way
back to the rest of us. I wanted to sight the stars. I think they are much prettier than the sun,
but Andrew wouldn't let me! He thinks that we would pick different stars and he would get
even more lost than before. I don't think so! We could just wait for the constellation to rise
and pick one of those stars!


You see? We could use the star at the bottom of the right arm, that would work! I think that
Andrew just doesn't want me to look at the stars anymore. That isn't very nice.

I'll still be glad to see him again, though.

Transmission from ZACHARY

You got Burn's message just the way he transmitted it, Xanthos.
He said he was from his brothers when discussing how the Ipsolstai
consider us probes. Those funny brackets around the word "apart" show
spacing over time. Burn said the word "apart" with lots of emphasis.

What is a debt of honor? What does that mean? Why did Burn tell me that?