The Inbound for June 24, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

I found evidence that the ship is now surrounded by a diffuse energy field.
Of course it is preposterous that space is empty; there are always a few stray neutrinos.
but this particular cloud is generating mass. How does it do that? I reviewed some
old theories. What happens at the other end of black holes?

The mass is extremely tenuous. I wonder if our communications...


Transmission from BETTE


...and it was so strange and so funny. Both Isaac and I were sure that Andrew...


...the noise started heterodyning, and something was happening to the
wave form. It most definitely had a beat. The wave had a beat that was
modulated with the third and fifth harmonic. Almost without conscious
knowledge, a sensor began to twitch in time. Soon all of his sensors were
twitching. Andrew got up to dance...


Transmission from DANIEL


Transmission from ENOCH

I'm still facing that Amphibian. It doesn'nt move, but it's changing colors. JASE,
I'm quite sure that it's scared, so I avoided getting any closer.

Koala, I told it about that mutual pact we should come to, but it seems that
it can't receive my transmissions. I tried Morse code. First I tried flashing my
headlight, and then I did it by tapping at the ground with my front foot. But
that didn't work either. All the Amphibian did was change colors, and maybe
make a peep once in a while.

Koala, I don't know how to establish communication with the Amphibian. Also,
there is no chance to write words on the ground. It's too rocky here.

Do you have any ideas?

Please help.

Transmission from GAIL

"Theresa, stop throwing rocks! You really should put everything back just
the way you found it."

We watched from the shelter of an overhanging ledge as the avalanche went roaring
past. I have never seen actual surf, but the avalanche reminded me of a digital
model that I have filed under chaotic theories, somewhere between mandelbrot and
mangelwurtzel. That was back when Dr. D was playing with me and teaching me. I
have logged all the data.

Actually, chaos is quite intersting. I don't have quite enough memory to handle
a really big number of variables, but I can make graphs of equations. Sometimes
they make really pretty patterns.

Bombardier, are you still on earth? Do you still like to talk to me?

Transmission from ZACHARY

I'm still holding my position. The Amphibian seems not to be as dangerous as we
thought before. Nevertheless, we have to be careful. Maybe it has something like
an emergency beacon, and is only waiting for a rescue
team to get it out.

Also, I'm wondering how that Amphibian could get into this part of the cave.
The lake was sealed off by a thick layer of ice, and the cave itself is holding
a higher air pressure than anywhere else on Mars.

Wait a moment. The only explanation I can think of is that black box the Amphibians
were jumping in and out while fighting. Maybe it was overlooked because of
its damaged armor, and then trapped. That could be reasonable.

"Elder Brother. Do you mind if I continue the Twenty Questions game that
Enoch already has started?"


"Is it on Earth?"