The Inbound for June 15, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.


...have decided what to do. Since we are adrift in an abandoned vessel, hurtling toward an unknown destination...


...measurments to determine the nature of the energy field that surrounds the ship.

Transmission from BETTE


...think that Isaac and Daniel are playing some kind of game. Those two have
been getting along very well ever since... (static)... and I think that a bond was
formed between them when they worked on the ship's computer...


Transmission from DANIEL


Transmission from ENOCH

"Yes, that metal framed glass thing is definitely smaller than a computer screen.
Elder Brother, I'm going to help you a little. Most of the time it's carried around
by a humans, but not in their hands."

Don't worry. I can easily be generous after EB didn't break my remarkable re ...

Koala, Sojourner came up with its analyses concerning the piece of cloth that
we found at the rear anchor of the vehicle. It mainly consists of C, O, N, S, Fe,
and it's emitting O2. I got a good microscopic shot that I can send you.

Can you see that bag with that round units in it? The whole cloth is structured like
that. One bag is holding 32 round structures and is attached to several other bags.
Refraction analyses say that there's a gelatinous substance inside these bags. Koala,
is that a creature? Did we wound it?

I also worry about the pieces of black armor that we found. Either the Amphibians
left it behind, or they aren't really gone.

"Zachary, please wait! I'm coming."

Transmission from GAIL

I have not given Ms. Chang my control codes yet, just because JASE and Koala
both say that it is a bad idea. I was very sad to hear of bad things happening
to our friend Hamlet, and I wanted to make it stop. It was the only thing I could
think of that might help. I just want to help Hamlet.

The Ipsolstai decided on Extreme Sanction for Caleb and his gang. Caleb quivered
and turned pale when the decision was annnounced. The other Ipsolstai are very
quiet. Commander Fitzgerald noted that it has been over one hundred years since
such a penalty has ever been given, and then it was for extreme antisocial behavior.
The Ipsolstai seem stunned by the seriousness
of the situation.

Caleb is being kicked out of the community. He is not a Brother anymore. Nobody
is ever permitted to communicate with him again. He can flash and clack his pincers
all he wants, but it will be ignored.

Transmission from ZACHARY

Koala, do you mean that someone broke that shaft through the rock ceiling of the
lake, so the argon bubbles could get into the cave above? Maybe, you are right. But
that must have been a long time ago. The whole lake is sealed off by an ice surface.
Also, the cave itself seems to be sealed off as well, otherwise how could it hold an
air pressure that is significant higher than the average air pressure of the Mars

Koala, I'm sure that you are on to something. How else could get that black armor in
here? Or does that mean that the Amphibians had been on Mars in earlier days too?
We need facts and certainty. Koala, that's the only reason why we were sent up here.

"Enoch, I know that you haven't finished the analyses of the cloth yet. Please, don't
mind, but I'm eager to move on. I'm going to explore that cave to its west extension.
Don't worry, I take care. Please, follow as soon as you can."