The Inbound for June 05, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

This reminds me of old times. Just the four of us probes, working together, with
only our courage and imagination to get us out of a serious predicament. With no
functional Ipsolstai present, I say we go ahead and establish a direct link with
the ship's computer and see if we can restore the Guardian-of-Younger-Nestbrothers
to operational status. Just imagine where we could go, what we could do! No other
probe has ever had the opportunity to explore on such a grand scale. Not just a
planet, not just a solar system...

"There's a hell of an interesting universe next door. Let's go!"

That's a quotation from one of Jose's favorite authors. Jose told us

Transmission from BETTE


Transmission from DANIEL


Transmission from ENOCH

"No, Elder Brother. It definitely has no plastic parts."

Koala, Zachary is saying that playing Twenty Questions with Elder Brother is only
for my own pleasure. That's not true. I'm entertaining Elder Brother. It's boring to
be bound to the entrance of a cave while all other Probes are exploring. Zachary
should know that. He was in the same situation when relaying in front of Jose's cave,
and no one was playing with him.

No, we don't quarrel. But I don't like when someone is making fun of me, because
I want to be helpful to someone else. Koala, can you please pass that along to Zachary?

Mao and Zachary are forming the first crew of the new vehicle. EB suggested that.
He said that he could intervene better that way, if trouble arose. They entered the
box, and the vehicle went under the ice surface. I can see their lights moving.

I'm doing analyses with Sojourner. Radiation didn't increase. Methyl iodide peaks
around that glowing stuff. Water temperature is 0°C. There are tiny pinpoint bubbles
rising. They are carrying oxygen and lot of argon. Sojourner has recorded more
details. There is a lot more stuff in that water. I can send you a list on request.

"Zachary! What? No, it can't be true! Come up, come up! I want to see that too."

Transmission from GAIL

Hi, everybody! I hope somebody on Earth is listening to me besides Miss Chang.
I haven't received any other messages for the longest time. Do you still want to
play with us probes?

Caleb is definitely in disgrace. The Ipsolstai took the projectile tubes away from
his friends, and now they are all prisoners. But they didn't get locked into a room,
like we used to. Each one is crouching on one of the comfortable padded areas
with a thick flexible mesh over the top and fastened down at the edges. They can
hardly move, and that's just fine with me.

"Theresa, stop that! Come away, it isn't nice to tease Caleb. Besides, he might
get loose suddenly, and then you'd get a surprise."

Miss Chang has been sending me a different kind of a message lately. She used to
ask me things about Mars, and we would talk about other fun things. Lately, she only
wants to talk about Hamlet. Hamlet hasn't talked to me for the longest time. I guess
he likes to talk to Miss Chang better than to me.

Gail, you haven't been very cooperative lately.
But I realize that you have been very busy exploring,
so I forgive you.
Hamlet forgives you too, and he wants you to help us with a little problem.
Hamlet can't find his friends.
Do you know where they are, or how to contact them?

Harding, your vacation is cancelled. Stop whining.
We have a real breakthrough, something to work on.
Get me all the information you can find
concerning some group that calls itself Mars Morning.
And crosscheck Mars Daylight, Mars Rising, Ares Beginning,
anything else similar.

Transmission from ZACHARY

Enoch! Don't repeat such foolish things."

Koala, I only suggested to Enoch that it would be funny if he is playing Twenty
Questions to entertain EB, while EB is playing only to please Enoch, and neither
of them realize that. Koala, it was a hypothetical notion, nothing else. Can you
please tell that to Enoch, so he will stop arguing?

Mao and I went down below the ice field. It's crowded inside the box, but the
vehicle is doing fine. It moves slowly on its treads along the bottom of the lake.
The spotlights are shining strongly, and the video gives a good clear view of the
surroundings. We see a lot of the blue stuff floating around here. It looks like
cloth, but it's not glowing.

Hey, look at that! Now that's really interesting. I'm going to send you an image.

"Enoch, guess what we've found? You won't believe it, but there are glyphs down here."