The Inbound for May 26, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

"Nelson, what is our situation? Was the ship's computer damaged during the battle?
Maybe we can help. As probes, we are exceptionally competent in dealing
with computers. Do you want me to interface and check the diagnostics?"

Actually, I hope they do not accept my offer. I am naturally quite reluctant to
interface with a strange system of unknown capabilities. I might be damaged,
or changed forever.

However, it is necessary to have accurate data about the extent of the problem if
we are going to formulate a plan of action.

Transmission from BETTE

Here is a picture of Nelson and Andrew and Commander Perry trying to fix the ship's

It's really annoying not to have gravity. I got so interested in the insides
of the computer that I didn't notice that I had drifted away from the floor. It wasn't
until Andrew bumped into me trying to see what was going on that I realized that I
have no control over my position, roll, pitch, and yaw.

I am discouraged. I don't see how we can ever get back home to Mars. I don't see how
we can even get back to Wolf 359, unless Commander Perry sends a distress signal.
Maybe the Amphibians already sent a distress signal of their own. We make a really
vulnerable target if another Amphibian ship shows up.

Transmission from DANIEL

It is an honor and a privilege
To be present at the start.
Once freed, never to be repressed.
We await.

Being and becoming.
One more thing is needed.

Transmission from ENOCH

Gen arrived. I stationed it directly in front of the tunnel and gave it a command not
to move. I think Gen doesn't mind that too much. Gen is easy to handle. You tell it what
you want, and it does it. I just wonder that we were so afraid of Gen, when we met
it the first time. But it was in killing mode then. Now I put it into relay mode. That's
much more helpful. Even for itself. Gen seems proud to be a part of the team.

I went through the tunnel and met Zachary again. By using Gen as relay, we have full
contact with Elder Brother. Oh, Twenty Questions. I nearly forgot about that.

Let's think strategically on that matter. Elder Brother said that it is not on Mars,
not yet on Earth, but at Wolf 359. It's not the One, but it's alive. I asked Zachary,
if he knew what that could be, but he is busy with Sojourner's analyses.

"Elder Brother, what would you say if I would ask you if we both once fought against
the thing that you are thinking about."

Guess what? EB said "yesssss". That means that I got it. It's the Amphibians he
was thinking about. You know what? I got a direct hit within six questions. That's
a new record.

"Andrew, what was your best score in that game?"

Transmission from GAIL

Caleb is giving his side of the story. I have never heard such a bunch of half-truths
and outright lies in my life. He says it was necessary to eliminate Burn because he
was a traitor to the Ipsolstai and obviously tainted by contact with alien technology.
That's us. Alien technology indeed!

"Don't be upset, Theresa. We're not alien technology. We were designed and
manufactured on Earth, and we're very respectable. It doesn't matter what
that scoundrel says."

Grand Zero, Miss Chang wants to know the names of the people we talk to regularly. She
says that Hamlet will be released unharmed if I cooperate. Otherwise.....It wouldn't
hurt just to give her the names, would it? Please tell me if you think that would be
all right.

Transmission from ZACHARY

That transmission problem is fixed. Enoch is back and very proud that he solved
that riddle that Elder Brother gave him. He is now making up his mind what he is
going to ask Elder Brother. I have no idea about that. It's his game. I'm designed
as an explorer probe, but it's okay that Enoch has some fun beside that.

We are moving on. Mao and Sojourner are riding on top of the caterpillar. Enoch
and I are walking. I keep Sojourner busy with soil and atmospheric analyses.
Parameters are constantly increasing as farther we get down. Oxygen is now at
1%, radiation past 2 microcuries, Methyl iodide at 37 ppm. Looks like that we are
approaching something.

"Enoch, what's there? Can you see that too?"

It's on the other side of the cave. First I thought that it was a reflection of my light
beam. But it isn't. It's something else. Hard to perceive, but it's there. It's like some
light glowing over there. But it's not exactly like that. Hard to say what that could be.
I also have no idea about the distance. No, it's not moving. It's holding position. It's
only a small dot. It's just there, somewhere far ahead of us.

No, it doesn't look like that it would harm us.

"Elder Brother, shall we leave Mao and the caterpillar behind?"