The Inbound for May 22, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

Koala, this is serious information! You tell me that the ship's computer was open
to entry by an external force for a short time. Do you realize how much we depend
on the ship's computer? All navigation and control data are interfaced through the
computer. All communications with other ships or Imperial bases go through the computer.
The ship's life support systems are managed by the computer.

It is unthinkable to imagine that all of these vital functions could be affected,
or even controlled by an "external force".

As for the other matter, I will take your suggestions under advisement. I value your
guidance and friendship, Koala.

Transmission from DANIEL

To abandon the ship
Brings fear and confusion.
They must not.
They must allow.

Isolation for eons.
Scintilla in dispersal.
The self becoming aware of itself.
Energies gathered, focused, now finding a voice.


Transmission from ENOCH


Transmission from GAIL

I was very nervous at first, but it got better as I went on. I did what you said, Koala.
I showed them pictures of Burn and Caleb when they were arguing. I didn't enhance
or change them at all.

When I got to the part where Burn was leaking fluid, every Ipsolstai in the room became
quiet. Not even a flicker of color. I was worried that they would get mad because
I took the eggs, but then I remembered what you said about not leaving anything out.
I only wanted to protect them from getting damaged in the confusion.

Then it started. At first there was a small surge of pastel, then I could see
patches of deep pink and aqua in different parts of the cave. They changed to
become intensely brilliant primary colors cycling furiously. I had to tighten the iris
of my sensors so they would not be overloaded. It was too much for the translator
box, which went dead momentarily.

Commandant Fitzgerald's usually black tegument has taken on an ashy grey look.


Transmission from ZACHARY


Transmission from BETTE

Just when you think things can't get any worse, something else happens.

Nelson is agitated, he says that the ship's computer is not responding to his input.
He even used a small metal tool to remove its faceplate. Still no results. Nelson
left to report the situation to Commander Perry.

Isaac and Daniel are both motionless in front of the computer screen. It's a silly
idea, but I think they look like they're waiting for a program to begin running.

I miss Mars more than ever. Will we ever get back home?