The Inbound for April 28, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

Thank you, Bryce. Your sentiments are very welcome just now. However, I am not
inclined to treat Daniel in a very peaceful or loving way just now. I have had
enough of his colorful individualism. We should never have indulged his antisocial
behavior. I would describe him as a spoiled probe. What ever inspired Burn to
send him to Wolf 359 with Bette and Isaac and me?

I have informed an Ipsolstai crew that I have important information for Commandant
Perry regarding recent events on Mars, and that it is vital for him to hear it before
making command decisions.

It is hard to wait while my message filters up through the chain of command.

Transmission from BETTE

Nelson took us out today. Andrew and I tried to apologize for Daniel but Nelson
wouldn't let us.

Different knowing he was did we. Risking taking we did. Problems solved.

We passed through a lot of halls until we came into a funny room. It was like that
big room with all of the controls where we met Perry, but much smaller. Nelson
touched a control and a screen lit up. It had a picture of another ship on it.
I asked Nelson if that was the Guardian-of-Younger-Nestbrothers.

No. The Nest-Enveloping-Eggs escort ours is that.
Entering it will you seeing Hyperstate.

Then it did something really amazing! I can't even begin to describe it. This color
just expanded out of it! It was just amazing. I took the pictures, I hope they get to you ok.

What Bette Saw

After that we felt that same odd feeling and things seemed to stagger. I think we
followed the Nest-Enveloping-Eggs. Nelson recovered slowly and looked at us for
a moment.

Shame it is. Direction the same not same longer.
A new we going to destination.
Awaiting death is. For the Imperium.

Then he led us back out. He isn't talking any more. What does he mean, death?

Transmission from DANIEL

All is done.
Soon we arrive,
as do they.
Death comes last.
The One waits,
and hopes.
We must survive.

Transmission from ENOCH

Hi Bryce. Thanks for peace, love and happiness.

Zachary and Elder Brother are examining these humps, where the dots are
coming from. I'm still in my I-Flyer monitoring the area. Everything is quiet
by now.

Here comes more orange smoke again. It's drifting from some cliffs down
to a small canyon. It's pretty far away from the Big Canyon and not leading
directly to this area. Maybe I will have a look up there, when the smoke has
settled. I don't want to have to clean my I-Flyer again.

Looks pretty good to go now. I'm checking my radar screens for Amphibians. No,
nothing new. I'll send you an image when I get closer so you know what we are
talking about.

Here we are.

Can you see it? Now, imagine you are covered by an inch of sticky orange smoke
that gets hard like glass, and you will know exactly how I felt.

Transmission from GAIL

Theresa and I entered a small side tunnel. It's so small. There is hardly room for
our legs. They scrape against the walls on both sides. Theresa is in front of me.
I'm taking care of the eggs.

Oh, no! It's a dead end ahead of us. We can't go any farther. I have to move
all my legs in reverse to back out. I hate that. It takes so much concentration.
Oops! My leg won't move. It's stuck.

"Theresa, I can't move back. Please, calm down. The Ipsolstai are out there."

Maybe none of them will think to look for us in here, so it's maybe still a good
place to hide after all. If I only knew how I can reach Commander Fitzgerald.

"Gail? How are you doing, my dear? It's me again.
It's so nice to chat with you.
Do you know whom I'm missing so badly?
It's your friend Hamlet.
Mr. Hardon and Mr. Parker acted so foolishly, but you know them.
Yes, it's awful. Rude males, how typical.

"Gail dear, can you do me a favor?
Please, can you ..."

"Miss Chang? I'm awfully busy just now. I'm caught in a tunnel, and I have to take
care of these eggs and I don't know where to find Commander Fitzgerald and I really
don't know what's next. Zachary and Enoch are busy outside, and nobody is talking
to me. May I also ask you for a favor? Can you help me? Please?"

Transmission from ZACHARY

Elder Brother cut through that hump just like I told him. It took quite a while.
His laser went through that film first, but then was stopped by a black armor. We
checked the small holes that that we noted which passed the film. They also passed
through the armor. Hmm. Very interesting.

Elder Brother used all his six lasers to break that armor open. He finally managed
to cut out a rectangle, so we went through. There was a creature inside. Hard
to describe it, because we can't see it in total. We entered at its side. It's pale,
fleshy and juicy, and a lot of a heavy green liquid splashed out when we opened it.

I first thought that I will send you an image, but it's too disgusting.

Elder Brother and his three warriors are working on three other humps now that
Enoch identified as Amphibians. Same result. Simply disgusting.

I went back to that hump that is sending signals. The orange layer is very thick in
this area, so I paused a little, but now I'm working again. I didn't cut through
yet, so it's hard to say what it is.