The Inbound for April 15, 1998

Transmission from DANIEL

They think they know.
They do not.
It is all right.
They will.
They come.
We go.
We will meet.

Transmission from BETTE

Nelson seemed to watch Daniel for a long time. Daniel didn't move, he just stayed there. Finally Nelson spoke.

Knowing are we transmissions your strange persistent. Others speaking to unknown you are. Here is it residing other speaking you?

Daniel waited a long time and then just walked away without answering. Nelson seems more amused than anything else. He isn't behaving at all the way Caleb would. He said something about needing special permission for that and left the room. I think Daniel might actually know what he is doing. I guess there is a first time for everything.

Now that Nelson is out of the room Isaac is in a much better mood. He didn't like the trip here or all the time spent with Nelson but now that Nelson is gone, Isaac is playful again. He says he misses his toys, but I think he'd rather have no toys and no Gabriel than the other way around. We've been playing a game. He's a good probe.

Transmission from ENOCH

The I-flyer is airborne again but it is still unsteady. It keeps trying to tilt to one side. I can keep it under control but it is making it very difficult to steer. I have flown towards the explosions but I cannot see very much. There is dust and smoke like when we have storms all over. The radar is hazy and can't seem to see anything. A strange squealing taste is all around me, like something is trying to block my taster. It is very confusing.

I don't know if I want to go any closer in the damaged I-flyer. I think I had better see what comes out of the cloud, before I try to learn what is in it.

"Zachary, I can't see any Amphibians on the radar. But I can't see you either. Something is going totally wrong."

Transmission from ZACHARY

"Too much broken."

These were the only words Elder Brother was transmitting. I feel lonely. Enoch also can't get in. I've to look for EB III. Maybe he is in a better shape. He must be on the other side of the Big Canyon.

It's an awful situation to crawl between all these destroyed warriors. I'm checking them all. One of them must be EB III. His name is written in big letters on his casing.

I found him. It looks bad. He is hit. Two holes are going right through the center of his casing. No sign of a function at all. I return to EB One.

"Zachary, take two of the remaining warriors. Get him over here."

I will.

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

I wish I knew what Daniel is doing with Nelson. I am not sure if he is not getting us into trouble. He does strange things at times. It is fine most times, but when it can effect Bette and I it's bad. At times I wish we just left him to play with his rocks.

Transmission from GAIL

Theresa and I are out side the door where Burn is. The Ipsolstai Caleb looked at us and told us to leave. I told Caleb that we did not wish to leave then he fired his weapon at the top of the cave. The other Ipsolstai look at him and us then started back talking with Burn. At that point Theresa was ready to leave, and I was too. So now we are out side. I think Burn is in trouble but I don’t dare go in. I don’t dare leave either. What if Burn needs my help. But I can’t do anything out here. Theresa is not saying anything she is just standing out side the door. I asked her if she wished to leave but she did not even answer me. We are in a real mess now. I don’t know what to do. I wish Daniel was here he seem to know what to do in times like this. If someone knows what we should do please tell me.