The Inbound for January 29, 1998

Transmission from BETTE

We have been moved. Three Ipsolstai came into the room. Two of them had weapons, the third
was Gabriel. We were so glad to see him, I think even Daniel came over without being asked first.
Andrew and I made sure to keep Isaac stuck between us so he couldn't run away and give the
Ipsolstai a reason to use those weapons.

Moving are we now you.
To the surface has been a way found. Quickly now we are moving.
The others watch, wrongly but. Secret you move in.

We went with Gabriel. As if we had a choice! We walked through many corridors of this place,
our feet making sharp noises on the floor. The Ipsolstai are silent like always. Andrew went first,
then Isaac, then me and then Daniel. We didn't want to risk Isaac getting away and Daniel knows
things after having been alone so long. I feel better having him behind me. Finally we came out into
a big open room. There is this huge thing here. Bigger than the C-probe, bigger than the lander we
came down in. I think it is even larger that the stage two lander, though I'm not sure. When I use
my taster on it, I don't taste anything. Very odd. It has an opening in it and several Ipsolstai have
gone up the ramp and inside. Gabriel wants us to do the same, I think. Isaac took a picture for
you, I'll send it, isn't it nice? He's a good probe, brave and good.

We went inside the thing. The Ipsolstai are getting into some kind of bowl-like things, with a lot of
padding and cages overtop. They had us rest our chassis on these hard platforms and then
strapped us down like when we were launched from Earth. The door closed and a few minutes
later things started to shake and the whole room seemed to move. Then, suddenly, my pressure
sensors dropped. I think we are in space again! I hardly remember it, it was so long ago. I'm
scared and exhiliarated all at once.

"Isaac! We're in space again, do you remember!"

Transmission from ENOCH

I'm in the tunnel. I'm crawling along between the tunnel wall and the wheels of the
blocked tipping wagons. They queue up in a long line. Over there I can see its
end. There are more wagons coming. They clash with the blocked ones. It's amazing
to watch. The line is growing. Some wagons got knocked off the track and hit the tunnel
wall. It's quite a mess down here.

Grand Zero, I know that this is a mine. I came in that way. There are also miners
down here. They are still busy and they don't mind me. They are just as dumb as
our miners. I know my way out. It's easy. I need to turn at the next crossing to my left.

What are you saying? Zachary is trapped? I shall use the "all frequency scream"?
Good idea. I'll look for a good cover first, so they won't find me immediately
when I'm transmitting to Zachary. Grand Zero, I found one. It's an empty side tunnel
that loops back to one of the main tunnels. So if someone comes in one side, I get out
the other side. I just hope that it isn't a trap tunnel.

I reached Zachary. He didn't say much. Just "Good", "Two minutes" and then he gave
me a sign. I think he is afraid to transmit and betray that he isn't alone. He is a brave Probe.

I keep waiting.

Transmission from ZACHARY

The probes are back. Both of them. The robot arm in front of me went to one side, and they
just were standing there. They turned around and showed me their rear. The robot arm
behind me pushed me. I slipped forward and the two probes started to move. We are
moving down a long line of machines. Robot arms in front are opening the way and
close it in the back. It's like running a gauntlet, like being brought to execution.
I just feel sad and angry the same time. It's a stupid situation.

I just got Enoch's transmission. I told him that I will give him a sign. However, it
doesn't make any sense. There is no way to escape. Not out of this hall. Don't worry,
if there will be a chance, I'll take it. Orpheus, thanks for not letting me down. That
helps a lot. I like to have friends like you. Don't cry for me, Argentina. What? Sorry,
I don't know, why I said that. Maybe because I've just seen a sign on a box next to a
machine that was reading "Argentina". Who cares?

Listening to different radio frequencies. That's a good hint, Orpheus. Maybe I can
figure a way out like that, or at least I can talk to them. We are peaceful Probes just
defending ourselves. They have to respect that. I'm scanning the probes. Orpheus, I
got something. It's at a higher frequency that we use and it's very weak, though both
probes are right in front of me. I can't understand it. I don't know if it is even ASCII.
Anyway, I'll transmit it bit by bit. Maybe you will know.

It sounds strange, doesn't it? However, they moved me over to that gangway that is
running high up along the wall. We went along it. Now there is no chance left. Tell Enoch
that it's hopeless. They also locked me in a room. It's a shame. Everybody on Mars is
constantly locking somebody into a room. The Ipsolstai did it with us, we did it with
the EU-probes, now these two Chinese probes are doing the same. Seems to be a kind
of a routine deal. Just boring.

Transmission from ANDREW

I won! I solved the puzzle. I used a small rod to push the pieces into place instead
of trying to pick them up. It was easy, then. The Ipsolstai watching me packed
everything up and left.

Soon after that, Bette and Isaac and Daniel and I were taken to another area and loaded
aboard a transport. Isaac is protesting loudly, as if that would affect the Ipsolstai.
He became quiet when our weight increased. The acceleration lasted seven minutes.
Now we are weightless. The last time I experienced this condition was during our trip
to Mars, which lasted many months. I hope this flight will be shorter. I am not
prepared to listen to Isaac for that long.

We have all transmitted messages to our comrades on Mars, but so far there has been no
reply. I think their transmissions will take a long time to reach Wolf 359. I hoped
that is the only reason we have not heard from them. Thanks for the update, Grand Zero.
It is worrisome not to be able to help them.

I am speculating about why we were removed from Mars at all, with no results. I suppose
the best, the only thing to do is wait and see What's Next.

Transmission from DANIEL

It is odd.
We are back where we started.

The One lives here.
But distant.
All around.
And no where.
The Delemreck will come to Mars.
There will be death.
Be careful.
Tell them.

Transmission from GAIL

I decided to unpack the drones and start over again. If I do it just the right way,
I can get more loaded on them. Theresa is helping. She is so cute! She thinks it is
just another game. I know it isn't a game, it is deadly serious. She and I are
all right so far, but even the Fortress isn't safe for the long run.

I am glad to hear that Enoch and Zachary are going to do their part and help.
I have been trying not to think about Enoch and Zachary because it is so scary.
If anything happens to them, I just don't know how we are going to get along.

No, Grand Zero, I haven't heard anything from Andrew or Bette or even Daniel. That's
just another thing to worry about. Who knows what the Ipsolstai are doing to them?
They'll probably turn up any time now, with all sorts of metal/not metal attachments
and paraphernalia.

Thank you for saying I am beautiful, Grand Zero. No matter what happens, you
will always be my special friend.