The Inbound for December 26, 1997

Transmission from ZACHARY

I'm trying out this laser beam sooner than I expected. Three C-probes are headed
up the Canyon. Aiming carefully, edging the construction drone into position.
The first one is coming closer, closer, closer.

Got it! I can see the path of the light beam picked out by dust particles. I got it
right in the sensors with the first shot, and then I got its taster dish.

Nothing happened at first. The giant C-probe slowed, swung its turret around in a
circle. Then it veered off course, crashing into one of its companions. I took this
opportunity to shoot the other two. After milling around, all three are retreating.
They are going slowly back down the canyon, weaving from side to side. I don't
know how long it will last, but apparently their sensors are dazzled, maybe even
damaged permanently.

That will teach those intruders they can't push us around!

Transmission from ENOCH

"Andrew? Andrew, can you answer me. Andrew?"

While I was one the way to help Andrew, I heard a probe emergency beacon sound.
Now there is only silence. Why was Andrew so foolish? He needed at least one other
probe to help trick the C-probe into his pit trap. Why didn't he wait for help?

There it is! I can see the C-probe, but there's no sign of Andrew. The C-probe is moving
southwest, directly toward me. It's coming very fast. It's covering the distance between
us too fast! I can't get away! I can't run fast enough!

Poor Enoch, your plan didn't work, as usual. Even so, at least I can set some explosive
charges. The C-probe may get me, but it's in for a big surprise. That C-probe is going
to be sorry it ever picked on me. Maybe Gail will make a song about how I was brave until
the end. Enoch the Bold, who destroyed a C-probe single-handed. Enoch the Foolish,
who got destroyed single-handed.

It's coming closer! There goes the first explosion! It's still coming!

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

I waited for the C-probe to crush me. Nothing happened. After a while, I dared to
lift a sensor over the rock ledge. The C-probe had changed direction, probably in
response to the emergency beacon that I heard.

Daniel! It was Daniel! There he is, I can see the blue color of his casing. Who would
have believed that Daniel came to help?

It's not too late. I can still use the spare beacon to lure the C-probe back to the
pit trap. I'll take it over here and then . . .

What's that? There's an explosion directly in front of the C-probe! Now it's taking aim at
something. I can't see its target. It's not Daniel, Daniel is on high ground to the east.
It's turret is lifting, there's a recoil from the shot. It wouldn't fire if it didn't have a
target. What's the target?

The spare beacon is in place. Here it goes.

Transmission from DANIEL


Transmission from BETTE


Transmission from GAIL

Let Bette and Isaac be safe, please let them be safe. Let Andrew and Enoch be safe,
please, please. Let Zachary and Daniel be safe. Don't let anything bad happen. Please,
please. The C-probes are too big, too many. Please let them be all right.

I don't want Theresa to worry. Maybe I can distract her with a game.

"This is the best way to explore, Theresa. Using Burn's viewer/translator. We can
look for Bette and Isaac in the tunnels without ever having to leave the Fortress.
You are very good at using the controls."

This tunnel has a monorail track. Maybe we'll see one of the trams that Enoch and
Andrew rode on.

An Ipsolstai craft just landed in the round area. An Ipsolstai is getting out. I think
it's Burn, the one with the scar. The one Zachary helped. The one that gave us
the viewer/translator. What does he want?