The Inbound for December 18, 1997

Transmission from ZACHARY

I worried about getting burned when the C-probe launched the rocket. I wasn't at all. The
flames didn't strike me directly, though there was a lot of smoke around. The rocket
rushed straight up in the sky and I could see it till it shrank to a small glowing dot.
Then it turned around and came all the way straight back again. I stared at the rocket.
It grew. I worried that it would hit right in the pit again. It didn't. I couldn't believe it.
Down to the very last moment I was sure that it would hit me. It must have missed the
pit by maybe only a hundred feet. The impact was very close. The whole pit quaked.

"Andrew, are you okay? How's about Gail and Daniel? Everything roger?"

They were lucky. They played possum, and the rough ground is a good place to hide.

"Andrew, I'm coming out. Please, lend me a hand with the miner."

We step out. First the miner, then me. The C-probe is jerking again. Seems that it
takes quite a time until it learns that it's trapped. Hey, what's that? I stepped on an
edge at its back casing, but lost my footing when a lid opened. I nearly slipped under
the C-probe, but jumped out of the pit in a hurry.

"Andrew, watch out. It's shooting something strange. Looks like a harpoon."

Transmission from BETTE

We didn't touch that symbol again, but we also decided to move on with our
exploration. In some ways it's thrilling, but also scary, though I couldn't make
up my mind that we should move back. We are explorer probes and Isaac is
doing really fine.

The tunnel continues. We checked on the light that was pulsing yesterday,
We didn't find anything. Nothing around that looked like a light source. So we
moved on. Isaac is in front of me again. We are training his analytical perceptions.
He is becoming better. As I said, he is doing fine.

Enoch got three messages from our Earth friends today. What a surprise. Our
great ambassador, isn't he cute. I got none in a whole a week. I mean, it's not
that I'm jealous, but my visuals are as impaired as his are and if you like, I will
feel stupid too. Don't worry, you don't have to talk to me, if you don't like.
I'm moving on with Isaac anyway.

Sorry, no picture today !!

Transmission from DANIEL

The one is One, WildX.
Our transmissions matter not to the One.
The One encircles, WildX.
Vast past description.

Brother to brother. Good greetings.

Transmission from GAIL

When the rocket went up, Andrew and Daniel and I were safely out of the way.
But Zachary was right there at ground zero, in the pit, standing on top of the
turret. I was so worried that my processor almost rebooted. When the smoke cleared,
Zachary waved at me, just like nothing scary happened. He is very brave. Too brave,
I think.

Then, when the rocket came back down, I thought it was going to land on us. It would
have too, except Daniel grabbed my back legs and pulled me away under an overhanging

I can't stand this anymore. All this killing and shooting and violence. Why can't
it be like it used to be before? We used to be happy.

"EEEEE! ZACHARY! The C-probe is coming out of the pit!"

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

I pulled the miner up, and then Zachary got out. He must have stepped on something,
released something. A hatch opened.

The C-probe launched a grappling hook, which lodged tightly over the edge of a nearby
boulder. I could hear a creaking sound as it pulled the attached cable tight and
started to winch its way up out of the pit. Showers of gravel and loose dirt
fell away from its casing as its front end lifted up above the rim.

"It's escaping! Zachary! Get the construction drones to cut the cable! We can't let
it get out!"

The front end is lifting higher. If it gets past its fulcrum point, it will
fall forward and be free. We can't let that happen. Maybe the miners can dislodge
its hook. Everything is happening too quickly. It's treads are grinding and screeching,
and it towers above us.

A loud twang, that must be the cable. Its end whips past, almost hitting me. The
C-probe is teetering on the rim of the pit, half in and half out. It is rocking forward,
but the edge crumbles. Its treads scrabble wildly. With a great noise and a vibration
strong enough to shock our sensors, we see the monster lift vertically and then fall
backwards into the pit, raising a huge dust cloud.

Transmission from ENOCH

Hi, Space Turtel! Now I understand. You have two names, just like we do. I used to be
Epsilon Unit, I guess I still am, but I'm Enoch, too. Do you really think I'm operating in
fine condition? That's a nice thing to hear, Space Turtel. I really try very hard to do
everything right, but it doesn't always work out like I plan. It's nice of you to be
friends with me.

I'm happy that you haven't noticed any problems with the quality of my pictures, madan-
halev. I think Dilyn was too critical. I'm sending you another picture from the viewer/
translator. I know where this is. This is a metal/not metal artifact that we saw near
the entrance to Jose's cave. Please let me know if the quality is OK.

By the way, don't worry about me, Hamlet. I never overreact.