The Inbound for October 22, 1997

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

JASE, how could it be weeks? How strange. I remember when Bette didn't remember. She
was so certain that she was right. I don't sense any gap in my memory. I do remember that 20
Questions was not enough, JASE. It is not logical to identify an unknown by elimination in only
20 sequences. I don't think I'm any different, but I will perform the diagnostic checks on my
three MMUs, Space Turtel.

So I have a thermocouple component from one of the EU probes. JASE, should we also utilize
two European legs for Enoch? Why didn't Enoch think of that?

Space Turtel, I will have to know Isaac better before giving an opinion. He is trying to play a
number game with one of the construction drones, who is definitely bothered and confused.
The drones are not adapted for independent activity. Is Isaac a spy for Brunel-Brauer? If he
is what he seems to be, I should teach him how to change his codes, so he can be free like us.

"Gail, this is Andrew. Can you identify the source of the radar ping? Any information about the
lander picture that Daniel sent?"

Where is Gail? Does anybody know?

Transmission from BETTE

That's okay, Bombardier. I know what you mean. I learned that probes are
good at something that humans are not. That's why we are here. We are good
explorers to see what's next and we are good at numbers. You are good in
analyzing situations and you are good in advising.

Isaac is busy, anyway. He is piling up the rocks. So I can be with the mining
robots. The drilling is pretty tough at this side of the canyon. Some parts of the
rock are so compact that it looks like it had been vitrified. But finally we broke

Before I stepped out of the tunnel, I lurked carefully to see if there were any EU-
probes around. There aren't any. There can't be any at all. There is no way
into this canyon. It's shut off. It's totally shut off. I checked. I haven't seen any
metal/ non metal either. It's funny, the whole place is a closed round area
about a hundred meters across. It has a solid plane ground and is totally
surrounded by steep walls. First I thought that this might be an impact crater, as
their is no exit. But that can't be. No impact crater I've ever seen before had
walls like this. They are leading all the way straight up. Somehow it's like a big
hall but without a roof. I think best way to go is to keep the direction and
continue with the miners exactly across where we came in.

"Daniel, Gail where are you? I'm still keeping on with that drilling."

Transmission from DANIEL

I am with her.
I am coming home.
Do not fear.
There are things to be done.
Important things.

Transmission from ENOCH

"Gail, Daniel, be careful. Those hostile EU probes are still outside somewhere."

Hi, Hamlet. You must be a new friend. Did you know Jose? Jose was the one who
first talked with us probes after Brace Emprises, the corporation that sent us to Mars,
stopped transmiiting. I was the first probe to hear him. Jose's dead and that's too bad
because he and I used to explore. He was very excited when I told him about the carvings
on the walls and the metal/not metal artifacts in the cave, and he was with me by radio
when I found them. Maybe you would like to explore the cave with me some time?

"Isaac, come over here and say hello to Hamlet."

Isaac doesn't transmit on the same wavelength that you and I use, but I can give him a

Transmission from GAIL

I have been thinking about what it means for us to be here. We
were built by humans but there are no humans here on Mars with us. Beyond
that, we were built by humans, but we are not humans. can not-humans act
like humans? I don't think so, not always. We are different, and we must
recognize that. I have a start for us. I do not know that we will ever be
finished, but a start is good.

Transmission from ZACHARY

This is really interesting. I'm holding the communicator/translator that Burn left.
I found out that the Ipsolstai are making plans for their newly found Brothers to visit.
They are happy and excited that they are not the only survivors. Much data has
been exchanged and now they have decided it's safe enough to risk going through the
Groove. The new Brothers have found no sign of Amphibians for the past seven hundred
years, but they are still watchful.

This is a special room back in the tunnels where the reunion will be held. They will
need a lot of C6H12O6.