The Inbound for October 17, 1997

Transmission from ANDREW

Transmission from BETTE

Isaac has a very short attention span. I was going to tell him about Dante
and Marsokhod and other famous probes. He has managed to talk Zachary
into playing follow the leader, just like we used to do at the lab at
Brace Emprises.

Just as soon as Andrew is operational I'm going to leave the Fortress.
It's too crowded in her with the four of us and Isaac and the construction

I want to see what's next. I could go back to Jose's cave and go on exploring
the tunnels. I bet there are rooms and places with even stranger and more
exciting things than we've seen yet. It was fun to play what's next.

I'm worried about Gail, of course. I could go and look for her, but maybe
she doesn't want to be found.

Transmission from DANIEL

ping ping ping

Transmission from ENOCH

That first transmitted picture wasn't very impressive, but we just got
started. It's going to take a while before we find out Andrew's status.
I'm doing a level one self-check on him that will take several hours.

I have a funny feeling that I didn't prioritize something important.

"Hey" Can I play, too?

It's Zachary's turn to be the Leader. We go behind the drones, down
the circular trap tunnels and back and check on Andrew and...

"It wasn't my fault, Zachary! It wasn't"

The box that Burn left was in the way and I accidentally stepped on it.
I didn't mean to. I'll just crouch over here in the corner. Bad, clumsy
Enoch. Did it again.

Transmission from GAIL


Transmission from ZACHARY

"Enoch, I wish that had not happened. No, it's all right, don't worry."

The box is torn and trashed. I can see what's in it. It looks like some
kind of instrument. I'd better examine it to make sure it isn't broken.

What is this? It doesn't look like Ipsolstai manufacture. There's no
metal/not metal. It's some sort of portable device about 8 in x 12 in
x1 in tall. It has a hard, slick, convex circular area in the center
about 4 in in diameter. There are lots of colored buttons on each side.

"Enoch, come and look at this. Why did Burn leave this? What do you
think it's for?"