The Inbound for September 08, 1997

Transmission from ANDREW

I'm free! I'm free! I've escaped from those EU probes! I'm so happy! There was smoke all
over and the probes were shooting. There was screaming and I couldn't see for a little while
and all kinds of things were happening. Something grabbed me from behind and started trying
to pull me away but I got loose of it. Then someone kicked me when I came too close. I think
my case was almost dented. I slid off and decided to run away. I kept running and running and
running. When I stopped there was nothing else around. I can't see the EU lander or any of
their probes or Enoch or Bette or Gail or any of the others. I thought I saw Daniel when I was
running, but I'm not sure. I just saw a leg. Oh, I'm so happy! I'm free again!

Transmission from BETTE

Thanks for your concern, Xanthos. I wasn't hurt and neither was Enoch, even though I slid
down the slope and got pushed. It was hard to tell what was going on with all the smoke
and confusion.

We grabbed Andrew and pulled him out of danger. Funny, he seemed to resist being
rescued. I thought he was just scared and confused, so we rescued him anyway.
I tried to reassure him, tell him everything was going to be okay. We pulled him uphill
in the dark, away from the flames and the probes milling around.

Andrew is very quiet. When it got light enough to see, I turned to examine him. As
the morning sun rose over Olympus, I saw the letter "I" on his casing.

I guess we made a mistake.

Transmission from DANIEL

noisy fireworks
fun fireworks

time to go home, little miners

Transmission from ENOCH

Thanks, Bombardier. Planning, organization, and execution is exactly what it takes for a
successful operation. You and I can talk about our combat experiences sometime.

Bette and Gail and I screamed to paralyze the EU probes while Bette and I, on opposite
sides of the site, rushed in to lead Andrew away. It was a good plan. But other things
happened. There were explosions. Gail saw smoke pouring out of a hole in the side of
the EU lander. Why did they put a hole in their own lander? Bette and I got Andrew away.
It was hard pulling him. He is heavy. He should have helped by walking.

Wait, this is wrong! It's not Andrew! Watch out, Bette!"

Transmission from GAIL

The battle is over. The rescue is over. We didn't rescue Andrew, though. He got away on his
own. I suppose we helped, but we still didn't really rescue him. We rescued one of the EU
probes. Is it still a rescue if they didn't want to come? That seems like what they did to
Andrew. I'm not sure what we should do with this probe. What do you think?

I think I am going to go looking for Andrew. He is out there somewhere, away from the EU
probes and he needs to be found.

Transmission from ZACHARY

Andrew got rescued and I did NOTHING to help and Caleb did NOTHING to help.
That bothers me, Dr. D. You and Xanthos say it's important to go on talking with
the Ipsolstai. I hope so.

Caleb treats me like a child. "Youngster", he called me. I may be only two years
old, but I am one of the finest and the best AI robotic probes that ever came to Mars.
Isn't that right, Dr. D? State of the art!

Burn is flashing primary colors, red and blue and yellow. Caleb is mostly a sedate
maroon and gold. Burn and Caleb are definitely disagreeing about something.