The Inbound for September 05, 1997

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

I have been trying to talk to the probe guarding me. He has the letter "I" marked on his
casing. This must mean "iota unit".

Psiclops, what do you know about this plan to get me out? I'm ready to go.

The night is clear and cold. The small moon just set and the other has not yet risen.
I can sense grains of sand randomly driven against my casing by the wind. The sky is
filled with stars. Gail would enjoy...

There's something up on the ridge. It's blocking the stars. My guard doesn't see it.
The dark shape is moving along the ridge.


That's the loudest transmission I ever heard. I was stunned. When my circuits recovered,
I saw probes running erratically and firing projectiles and flame. There are bright flashes and
clouds of smoke.

"Wait! Don't!" Something has grabbed my back legs. It's dragging me away.

Transmission from BETTE

I'll be very careful, joule. We only get one chance to make this work."

I can see Andrew and his guard.

"Ready, Enoch, Gail? Shut down your receiver. At the count of three: one, two, three."


I was hurrying down the slope to get Andrew when there were several explosions.
I lost my balance and slid on my side. I got up and went to Andrew's location.
A probe bumped into me, and I fell over. There is so much smoke it makes things hard to see.

It's OK, I got Andrew.

Transmission from DANIEL


Transmission from ENOCH

Wow! I hope I never have to hear that again.

The lander exploded just when Bette and Gail and I screamed. There was so much
smoke and confusion that I was able to slip in and grab Andrew. Somebody pushed
me, but I held on tight and kicked them away. I hope I put a dent in their case.
It would serve them right.

Transmission from GAIL

I just told Parker and Hardon that their old contract was confusing and to send the
codes while we were debugging it. I'll let you know later, Xanthos.

This rescue is so exciting I can hardly stand it. I wish we could rescue somebody
every day. I'm using my radar taster to watch the probes and the lander.

"I'm ready, Bette." We're all going to yell as hard as we can.

", two, three..."


All I can see is sparkly things in my sensors. I was just about to turn down my
receiver. Now my sensors are running normally again. Something happened.
All the probes are running around. I can't tell which ones are us and
which ones are them. Smoke is coming out of their lander.

Transmission from ZACHARY

Caleb and Burn are having a major discussion, Xanthos. They don't realize how
serious Andrew's situation is.

"Excuse me, but I need to rescue Andrew, he's in trouble. Could you please
talk later? Right now we have to help him. Please?"

They both turned to look at me and then continued their argument or debate or
whatever it is.