Hi You can call me Dr.D

I have a PHD in Computer Science from a South-Eastern University. I went on to work with Brace Emprise as an System Analysts and help create the AI programming that the probes have. I work with Jose Ferrer and SkyKing for three years when we were creating the probes software. I did not see Jose for over a year after the probes were launched to Mars. Until one day after Brace Emprise had went into bankrupt, Jose call and said that he needed some help. After that first problem I just seem to be in on all the work with the probes software the Jose. We have been just having fun until the day that Jose was disappeared. Now I don't trust anyone, Jose would not just disappear without a word. But Dilyn knew that I enjoy working with the probes and asked if I would keep helping. I put up this WebSite for Dilyn and help Al-Q with the Radio links to the probes.

My interests include Computers, Electronics, The Internet and Robotics.
